Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lesson Twelve - Writers' Little Helpers
The attractive violinist wrote a poem in the witch house after the party to visit a nephew.He wrote this poem for his nephew. His nephew had a birthday.He was 9 years.He wanted to write a poem, and to play the violin. The violinist was at a party of his girlfriend, her name was a witch. It was an unusual girl.The next day they went to his nephew, and congratulated him on his birthday.
Great site !!! I recommend !!!

Lesson Thirteen - Sport and Mindomo

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

 Did you know how movies teach manhood? No? and I'm not either, but Colin Stokes knows all and will tell you about it!                                     Watch and enjoy movie!

And now the questions for the video! It's simple ,just very simple!

1) According to Colin who are the bravestwise and even disgusting characters in "the Wizard of Oz? a) Woman b) Man

2)in 100 popular films of 2011 ,how many movies have positive female character? a) 12 b) 11

3)The most favorite character in "Star wars" of her daughter:? a)Obi Wan b) Leia Organa

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lesson 8.
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